
When you woke up, scenery opening there does not have the recognition, And you did not know who oneself was either. "Escape from here!!" Only this word is incised on a head. Tablets support. -If you can not use in-app billing, It is recommended that you buy the full version. ------------------------------------------ This version could play up to the middle. And show ads. ------------------------------------------ Escape adventure "FLEE!". You wander in the very large world. You make full use of a tool, and let's open up a course. What can rely on only as for your Flash! ■ Operation explanation Movement: flick in top and bottom right and left with a screen. touch a screen left upper arrow buttons. Search: You acquire an item by being involved with various things in the screen and, The opening and shutting of the door, the reshuffling of the switch are possible. "ITEM" button: When you push on this button,list of items appears, and you can choose max three items in same time. You put an item together well, and please open up a course. "MENU" button: you could return to a title, or save game's data. 当你醒来的时候,风光开幕还有没有承认, 而你不知道自己是不是谁。 “从这里逃生!” 只有这个词是刻在一个头。 平板电脑支持。 - 如果你不能在应用程序内计费用,建议你购买完整版本。 ------------------------------------------ 这个版本可以玩到中间。 和显示广告。 ------------------------------------------ 逃生冒险“逃吧!”。 你徜徉在非常大的世界。 你充分利用的一个工具,让我们打开了一个疗程。 有什么可以依靠的只有为您的Flash! ■操作说明 运动:在甩尾上下左右有一个屏幕。 触摸左上箭头按钮的屏幕。 搜索:您通过参与各种东西在屏幕上获得一个项目,, 门的开闭,开关的转换是可能的。 “项”按钮:当按下此按钮时,会出现的产品清单,并 您可以选择最多三个项目在同时进行。 你把一个项目一起好,请打开一个疗程。 “MENU”键:你可以返回一个标题,或者保存游戏数据。