The Foolz are back and just as dumb, but they still don't want to die. Become the best Office on the block as you play through a series of mini games and work your way up the rankings. You must complete each level in just a few seconds as you tried to catch criminals, Shoot targets, pass a driving test, shoot down helicopters and much much more! Use touch, drag, tilt and native controls to beat the puzzles and be the best cop you can! Foolz: on Patrol 2 is the long awaited and much anticipated sequel to our top 100 game! Enjoy it now. Stayed tune and keep downloading the updates. *** COMING SOON **** Driving Challenges Levels Target Range Levels 该Foolz回来,只是像哑巴,但他们仍然不愿意死。 成为块上最好的办公室,你通过一系列的小游戏玩,你的方式工作了排名。 你必须完成在短短的几秒钟每个级别,你试图抓住罪犯,射击目标,通过驾驶测试,击落直升机,以及更多! 使用触摸,拖拽,倾斜和本地控制,以战胜难题,并成为最好的警察就可以了! Foolz:上巡逻2是期待已久的和期待已久的续集,我们的前100场比赛! 享受现在。 住调整和保持下载更新。 *** COMING SOON **** 驾驶水平的挑战 目标范围水平