策略型回合制扑克游戏《Sweep》Steam页面上线 明年发售
今日(12月25日),策略型点击此处进入商店页面。 游戏介绍: SWEEP是一款策略型回合制扑克游戏,带上你的机枪和纸牌,从地牢出发。通过...[详情]

Swipe in the direction of the arrows before they reach the other side of the screen. Collect and use power-ups to keep you in the game longer.Test your speed in this simple but addictive game. How long can you keep up with the arrows as they gain more speed over time.Challenge yourself on three different difficulties and save your high scores to the leaderboards!Sweep is easy to learn, just swipe in the direction of the arrows and tap the screen to use you collected power-ups.