Survival Island - Wild Escape is a story of Survival hero who is in the middle of a situation on jungle island surrounded by the earth’s oldest creatures. You a...
Survival Island - Wild Escape
Survival Island - Wild Escape is a story of Survival hero who is in the middle of a situation on jungle island surrounded by the earth’s oldest creatures. You are equipped with a sniper rifle to hunt the wild beasts. As you shooting and killing the animals you will get more guns that will help you survive from lost Island! Show your shooting and hunting skills with First Person Shooting in hunting & escape life safeguard missions. Escape from an Island like a real survival hero to struggle for your freedom. Survival land adventures begins with a hard time escape from lost Island along with wilder wolf. Seek help from your axe, guns and rifles expertise for escape day mission. Fight the savage targeted missions & combat the zombies to save your life.1st person assault shooting to evolve as brave hunting warrior in this thrilling adventures game for a life escape wild mission. Master your survivor escape plan and use wolf to attack on your . Use all the possible tools and weapons to defend yourself from zombies and wilderness creature. You have to use all your sneaking & hunting skills to survive in island! Use hard axe to cut trees, collect wood for fire and search some hunting meet from animals. You will have to eat apples, drink water and cut trees for fire and weapons to get food from animal’s meat. Defend yourself from wild animals and zombies of the island. Survival Island wild escape is new adventure simulator of jungle world survival with adventure missions. Let’s start Hunting & Survival voyage. Plan the Mission to escape from the erous Island to survive and return back home. Survival Island - Wild Escape Game Features: • Complete freedom of action and adventures • Wilderness of Assault shooting guns to kill the zombies • Sniper rifles to hunt island wild animals • Explore Island and get amazing hunting experiences • Use axe, rifles and guns to combat and survive • If you get hungry you become rust • Regular updates with new content • Eat apples, meet & collect water bottles to uphold energy
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炸酱616 来自于 九游APP 2019-04-08 22:15
九游玩家7lyuyidv... 来自于 九游APP 2019-08-28 20:38
生存岛-野生逃生(Wild Escape)是一个生存英雄的故事,他正处于被地球上最古老的生物包围的丛林岛上的一种情况之中。你装备了狙击步枪来猎杀野兽。当你射杀动物的时候,你会得到更多的枪来帮助你从失落之岛生存下来!在生命保障任务中用第一人称射击展示你的射击和狩猎技能 像一个真正的生存英雄一样逃离一个岛屿,为你的自由而奋斗。生存之地冒险始于与野狼一起艰难地逃离失落的岛屿。向你的斧头、枪和步枪专家寻求帮助,完成逃亡日任务。与野蛮人战斗以僵尸为目标,以拯救你的生命,人身攻击射击,在这个惊险刺激的冒险游戏中进化为勇敢的狩猎战士,完成一个生命逃离野外的任务。掌握你的幸存者逃脱计划,用狼攻击你的对手。使用所有可能的工具和武器
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