Spider is trying to balance his civilian and superhero life, frequently late or absent for school, work, and leisure time with his friends. Following dinner wit...
Super Spider Heroes Fighting
Spider is trying to balance his civilian and superhero life, frequently late or absent for school, work, and leisure time with his friends. Following dinner with Mary Jane Watson, Peter thwarts an armed looting of an art museum, and tracks down an escaped robber, the Black Cat. Soon after this, he thwarts an attack in the streets of Manhattan by The Rhino. Meanwhile, Doctor Otto Octavius attempts to recreate nuclear fusion of that seen in the sun to provide an energy source for Manhattan. To control this fusion, he creates four metal arms which he can mentally control. His fusion creates a strong magnetic field, destroying the lab, killing his wife Rosie, and grafting his metal arms to his spine and giving his arms control over him. He blames Heroes for the incident, despite the fact that Heroes was not in the lab until the middle of it. Octavius, now known as Dr. Octopus, kidnaps Aunt May, but she is saved by Heroes. In the time following, special effects artist Quentin Beck tries to prove that Heroes is a fraud by challenging Peter in a series of "Super Spider Heroes Fighting". Heroes emerges successful. Consequently, Beck tries to kill my Heroes, but is thwarted. The embarrasent causes Beck to assume the identity of Mysterio, attacking journalists attending his press conference, and commands his "UFOs" to "invade" the Statue of Liberty. Both of these attacks are thwarted by Spiders-Man's efforts, with no casualties. Heroes eventually teams up with Black Cat, who leads him to the Shocker, who escaped during Beck's initial competition with Heroes. Shocker is apprehended in a warehouse after attempting to use an experimental propulsion system to enhance his powers, while Mysterio is knocked out with one punch from Heroes while trying to rob a Speedy Mart. Peter takes a few photos of Beck as Mysterio, and J. Jonah Jameson uses these photos to make it appear that Heroes is in league with Mysterio. Black Cat then leads Heroes to an illegal weapons trade, where she tries to convince him to permanently become Heroes, but he rejects the idea, saying that he cannot stop being either Spiders-Mans or who he really is.... Let's go to the game Super Spider Heroes Fighting Man to learn more...... New game for Spider-Man 2 Super Heroes Fighting
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