Super Robot Galaxy Adventure, great robot jumping and running adventures. In a beautiful galaxy in trouble, a mighty villain tells his men that evil monsters s...
Super Robot Galaxy Adventure
Super Robot Galaxy Adventure, great robot jumping and running adventures. In a beautiful galaxy in trouble, a mighty villain tells his men that evil monsters steal all diamonds from the galaxy to become Immortals. Super Robot, our fearless adventurer along with the Super Robot who is loyal to his galaxy to bring all the diamonds back to his beloved galaxy Let's help this super robot protect its galaxy in this Super Adventure Game, you can also guess jump and run, in the Super Robot Galaxy Adventure game there are 100 levels from easy to difficult, find items like mushrooms, fireballs, and shields to get tightness like shooting and invading attacks. Discover the amazing new abilities of Super Robot. • Addu can jump, run and shoot. • Now he can take, throw and slide. • He can change color to get more strength. • face a ferocious boss level • Run, jump, and explore Arcades. A lot of excitement and thrill in this adventurous game, you will see several places like caves and move galaxies. Download this super adventure games galaxy now for free
Super Robot Galaxy Adventure游戏截图
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