Super Ninja Spirit is a fantasy anime base on Japanese legend MMOARPG; it’s a tale of Ninja Heroes and a mythical creature’s who fights the Evil to save the wo...
Super Ninja Spirit
Super Ninja Spirit is a fantasy anime base on Japanese legend MMOARPG; it’s a tale of Ninja Heroes and a mythical creature’s who fights the Evil to save the world from the apocalypse. Take the role of the legendary Ninja Shinobi, samurai, or onmyoji and start your adventure with your mythical sidekick who always fights along with you on this journey. With intense battle and various mission, team up with other players to fight the greatest evil and save the world. Game feature - Journey with Mythical sidekick, Develop and Evolve! Collect the Mythical Pet, Fairy, and mount. Develop their skill and evolve it into the greatest form to fight with you all along your journey - Ninja Demon Trigger Transformation! Transform your Ninja into the beast and wipe out all who mess out with you! - Real-time battle PVP and PVE Fight the bosses! Fight in Real-time PVP battle with friends prove your skill and be the strongest ninja - Build and fight in a legendary ninja clan Fight along with your friend in the clan battle - Play and find your ninja soulmate Find your soulmate, date and celebrate the wedding then fight along in the special soulmate dungeon - Unique ninja Skin customization Customize your ninja with numerous unique ninja skin, magic weapon, and artifact -------------------- Story Introduction: Long ago, in time when human and mythical creature coexisted, they were living in harmony, until one-day kitsune the nine tail fox possessed by the evil power. It starts to dominate the Human world by team up with the evil ninja, this action taking the world into the edge of an apocalypse, Three legendary ninja heroes, shinobi, onmyoji and samurai starts a journey and met the mythical sidekick along the journey and save the world from the evil power.
Super Ninja Spirit游戏截图
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