Super Ninja Adventure World is an exciting and fun jump and run adventure. Life in a peaceful city arrived taboo in turmoil and came a terrible threat from the...
Super Ninja Adventure World
Super Ninja Adventure World is an exciting and fun jump and run adventure. Life in a peaceful city arrived taboo in turmoil and came a terrible threat from the horrors of a monstrous monster. Plans to control the city of leadership from vicious monsters send their troops to destroy and seize a peaceful city. Some monster monsters conspired to dominate the city of peace, and suddenly came the form of a great mysterious ninja to help seize the return of what the evil monster had taken. You are a great ninja, hero, with great strength against the dark forces of evil monsters to protect the peace of the city to be safe as before. In this Super Ninja Adventure World adventure game you will become a great ninja, will join and experience a very fierce battle. You will represent the righteous to fight enemies, monsters. On the way you will pass through cities and caves full of larvae, even the most erous areas, be careful not to be defeated and the city you protect is recorded by evil monsters. Adventure immediately starts getting sepecial items like stars and Kunai, shields to defeat monsters, you can jump and run shooting in your adventures later. What will you do to fight the forces of evil? lots of weapons to support you like knight, hammer, archery. other than that Fight and explore this exciting adventure. Download this game now for free !!!
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