Super Monkey Kick-out 2000One day at a peaceful forest, a happy monkey was gladly eating his bananas, falling asleep after his banana feast. Hours later the mon...
Super Monkey Kick-Out 2000
Super Monkey Kick-out 2000One day at a peaceful forest, a happy monkey was gladly eating his bananas, falling asleep after his banana feast. Hours later the monkey awoke to see that all his bananas were stolen, with a trail of black-and-white feather leading to the rascals responsible for this: A group of ridiculously evil toucans. The monkey tried to peacefully negotiate with the birds, but due to their malicious nature they refused. The monkey tried to resort to violence, but he was quickly defeated by the great number of birds that stood between him and the fruits. In desperation, the monkey entered a kung-fu class in a school conveniently nearby, dedicating time nad effort into learning how to kick adversity away. Now the monkey is ready to fight another time, armed with convoluted fighting techniques and the need for revenge against the tyranny of toucans.Features:-Kick a houndred of toucans in the face.-Support leaderboards.-A fast-paced game, that you can play where you want, when you want.-It's free.
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