Superhero Captain Robot: Rescue War Mission is a futuristic robot formulation that covers 2 action powers conflating the superhero abilities and robotic capabil...
Superhero Captain Robot : Rescue War Mission
Superhero Captain Robot: Rescue War Mission is a futuristic robot formulation that covers 2 action powers conflating the superhero abilities and robotic capabilities. You are on a rescue mission to cover the victimized citizens and hunt the evil enemies in this robot game. Captain Robot! You have got to plan it carefully for the war is not in a position to be lost. Use your climbing, flying, scanning, targeting and firing superhero powers to take down the invaders. This action shooter gameplay will let you prove your rescuing insight with both fun and thrill made into a 2 action warhead arena. Display your spines for adventure and action games that call upon your stamina and mind whims to find a solution using superhero powers and robotic technology. Superhero Captain Robot: Rescue War Mission is going to get you to another level. Take your chances! WHAT’S NEW: Realistic Robotic Physics & Animation. Fly & Fight as a Superhero. Various locations Exciting & Exquisite Rescue Missions. Supernatural Powers to beat the Enemy.
Superhero Captain Robot : Rescue War Mission游戏截图
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