The game focuses on a boy named Ryder who leads a pack of search and rescue dogs known as the Patrol PAW. They work together on missions to protect the shoresid...
Subway Runa dventure Run Paw Endless
The game focuses on a boy named Ryder who leads a pack of search and rescue dogs known as the Patrol PAW. They work together on missions to protect the shoreside community of Adventure Bay. Each dog has a specific set of skills based on a real-life profession, such as a firefighter, a police officer, and a pilot. They all reside in doghouses that can transform into customized vehicles when necessary. They are also equipped with backpacks called "pup packs" that contain tools that relate to the pups' jobs Ryder Dash : Subway Run Endless is a free 3D Endless Run game. Ride through the city, slide, jump and swipe to avoid a variety of obstacles. Ryder Dash is one of the best running game for android. Avoid Obstacles and Use your finger to Jump or slide and move side to side, Run through the Game avoiding buses, just dont hit a bus or you're done for, run through the city, the park and under and over the subway. This Ryder Dash : Subway Run Endless 3D runner has the prettiest paw puppies, for children of all ages! smooth controls, allow you to move to the right, left and jump or fight the monsters on the road Beat records to see the epic dance of ryder, you'll never get bored while watching it, collect coins and discover new paw characters! Subway Run Paw Dash ryder adventure - patrol game ryder adventure - patrol pals game 2019 FEATURES: - Endless great temple graphics and fun animations. - Magnets can help you collect more coins. - Swipe to Move & Jump. - Amazin graphic and Music. - Endless ryder Mode for Free. - Infinite Running & Jumping Adventure. - Challenging paw game levels. - Multiple hurdles while running to jump over. - Infinite run mode! It's Time to test paw ryder pals game!
Subway Runa dventure Run Paw Endless游戏截图
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