Subway Jurassic World 3D. Jurassic Park 3D Adventures. Jurassic World is a 2015 American science fiction adventure film and the fourth installment of the Juras...
Subway Jurassic World 3D
Subway Jurassic World 3D. Jurassic Park 3D Adventures. Jurassic World is a 2015 American science fiction adventure film and the fourth installment of the Jurassic Park series, as well as the first film in a planned Jurassic World trilogy. Brothers Zach and Gray Mitchell visit Isla Nublar, the site of the original Jurassic Park, where a new theme park named Jurassic World has operated for years. Simon Masrani, the park's owner, has encouraged geneticist Dr. Henry Wu to create a hybrid dinosaur to attract visitors. The two boys meet their aunt, Claire Dearing, the park's operations manager. Claire assigns her assistant Zara to be their guide, but the boys evade her and explore the resort on their own. How to play : + Swipe left to turn left + Swipe right to turn right + Swipe forward to jump + Swipe backward to scroll + Double Tap to get a skate board Subway Jurassic World 3D Game features: + 3D Game + Vivid sound and music + Intersting graphic effect + Thrilling moment, death speed with Subway Jurassic World 3D Items in game: + Magnet: collect coins easier with your Subway Jurassic World 3D + Shoes: jump higher, run faster, jump over the Bus that block your character + Rocket: a jetpack to fly on top through the skies, collect many coins With your + Mystery box: get bonus to boost your score by double the coins + Skateboard: surf on the rail safely & quickly Subway Jurassic World 3D. Jurassic Park 3D Adventures. Jurassic World is a 2015 American science fiction adventure films and the fourth installment of the Jurassic Park series, as well as the first movie in a planned trilogy Jurassic World. Brothers Zach and Gray Mitchell visit Isla Nublar, the site of the original Jurassic Park, where a new theme park named Jurassic World has operated for years. Simon Masrani, the park's owner, has encouraged geneticist Dr. Henry Wu to create a hybrid dinosaur to Attract visitors. The two boys meet Reviews their aunt, Claire Dearing, the park's operations manager. Assigns her assistant Claire Zara to be their guide, but the boys Evade her and explore the resort on their own. How to play: + Swipe left to turn left + Swipe right to turn right + Swipe forward to jump + Swipe backward to scroll + Double Tap to get a skate-board Subway Jurassic World 3D Game features: + 3D Game + Vivid sound and music + Intersting graphic effect + Thrilling moment, death speed with Subway Jurassic World 3D Items in the game: + Magnet: collect coins Easier with guide Subway Jurassic World 3D + Shoes: jump higher, run faster, jump over the bus that block your character + Rocket: a jetpack to fly through the skies on top, collect many coins With guide + Mystery Box: get bonuses to boost your score by double the coins + Skateboard: surf on the rail safely and quickly intervening
Subway Jurassic World 3D游戏截图
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