Strawberry Shortcake Combo, is an addicting cake game! Combine ingredients in order to build a shortcake! Launch the sponge cake and hit the strawberry creme, s...
Strawberry Shortcake Combo
Strawberry Shortcake Combo, is an addicting cake game! Combine ingredients in order to build a shortcake! Launch the sponge cake and hit the strawberry creme, sponge cake layer, juicy sliced strawberries, whole strawberry and then whipped cream. You can make two strawberry shortcakes at once but be careful, you can hit the wrong ingredient order and slow things down! Build enough shortcakes in 30 seconds and win the random achievement! This fun baking theme game has a unique play style anyone and try and win! If you like fast games with delicious food themes, try this sweet treat of a game!
Strawberry Shortcake Combo游戏截图
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