is a Japanese stylized fantasy 2D turn-based action mobile game that combines several essential elements of a fantasy world with an addictive storyline and char...
Storm Persuader
is a Japanese stylized fantasy 2D turn-based action mobile game that combines several essential elements of a fantasy world with an addictive storyline and character setting. Thus bringing out an attractive magical fantasy world to the players. This game retains the traditional style of turn-based battle while it also introduce many brand new gameplay elements such as exquisite heroes, refined ancient god’s suit, having legendary creatures as mounts and more. Mythical beasts, unearthly magic, and goddesses are all waiting for you to discover!◆◆◆Introduction◆◆◆ Are you a fan of magic and fantasy? Do you dream of a day where you would have a drink in a bar full of beauties and swordmen, or go an adventure in the world of dragons and demons, unravel the secrets of the Gods, enter the ancient ruins, you could even venture on the journey to become a God yourself! The most exciting fantasy mobile game in 2015, , is yours to have it all! ◆◆◆Updated Functions◆◆◆ Relieve your fingers from excessive tapping while playing the game, think through your strategy and plan your team formation with ingenious tactics to take down the enemy! We believe that auto-fighting skills without any strategy are no fun at all, that’s why in this game, players need to know when is the right time to activate certain skills to win the battle! Its the key to decide between victory or defeat! It’s time to show your skills as a player! ◆◆◆Unique Gameplay◆◆◆ 9 Events and 6 Battles, full schedules of activities everyday! Team battle, PVP, Server Boss, A personal adventure and so on. We are always coming up with new ideas to how to enhance gameplay for our players. ◆◆◆Instance Interaction◆◆◆ You can now send voice messages to friends, send flowers to someone you admire and even propose to your soulmate! A wonderful life awaits you in Storm Persuader! For more details, please visit us at: ✍ Facebook: facebook.com/eyousp ✍ Instagram: eyougame_sp ✍ Email: sp@eyougame.com
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