The show follows four main characters: Volt the squirrel, Max the beaver, Sammy the owl, and Lucy the fox. Together, they are part of an animal agent organizati...
Squad Rangers Link Miniforce
The show follows four main characters: Volt the squirrel, Max the beaver, Sammy the owl, and Lucy the fox. Together, they are part of an animal agent organization known as the Miniforce. They normally live at a house under the care of a human named Suzy. But when the Big Bads Nein and Pascal plot trouble and carry out evil plans around their peaceful area, our heroes come to the rescue by transforming into human-like battle suits and putting a stop to their plans, usually involving defeating another villain or a mechamon. In the second season of the show, Ray the animal chimera sometimes tags along to help the Miniforce even. The show itself appears to take after Sentai-style shows, but animated and combined with an animal hero element. How to play Squad Rangers Link Miniforce: 1. Connect three or more same Rangers squad to score points. 2. Archive the target points to level up. 3. Eliminate the more Rangers squad line quickly can get extra scores. Game features: 1. More than 200 challenging levels & many game props. 2. The Fire props can eliminate fruits in one row. 3. The Water props can eliminate the fruits around. 4. The Ice props can unfreeze the frozen fruits. 5. Sweet and delicious UI & cool animation effects. 6. Play Squad Rangers Link Miniforce and Have Fun!!!
Squad Rangers Link Miniforce游戏截图
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