SpongeBob is an animated television series. SpongeBob is an energetic and optimistic sea sponge (although his appearance more closely resembles a kitchen spong...
SpongeBob Patrick 3D Adventure
SpongeBob is an animated television series. SpongeBob is an energetic and optimistic sea sponge (although his appearance more closely resembles a kitchen sponge) who lives in a submerged pineapple and loves his job as a fry cook. He has a pet snail, Gary, who meows like a cat. Living two houses down from SpongeBob is his best friend Patrick Star, a dim-witted yet friendly pink starfish who lives under a rock. Despite his mental setbacks, Patrick still sees himself as intelt.Squidward Tentacles is SpongeBob's next-door neighbor and co-worker at the Krusty Krab. Squidward is an arrogant and ill-tempered octopus who lives in an Easter Island moai and dislikes his neighbors (especially SpongeBob and Patrick) due to their childish nature. He enjoys playing the clarinet and painting self-portraits, but hates his job as a cashier. How to play SpongeBob Patrick 3D Adventure is very easy, the controller is very customize you, you live right swing right left to move the character of this subway 3D game is very beautiful, in the middle of the city you will pass the jungle run subway and also there is a subway train is very good surf.
SpongeBob Patrick 3D Adventure游戏截图
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