Spider-Man is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character was created by writer-editor Stan Lee and writer...
SpiderMan Wallpaper & Puzzle
Spider-Man is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character was created by writer-editor Stan Lee and writer-artist Steve Ditko, and first appeared in the anthology comic book Amazing Fantasy in the Silver Age of Comic Books. The character is conceived as an orphan within the Marvel Universe named Peter Parker being raised by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben in New York City after his parents Richard and Mary Parker were killed in a plane crash. Are you a big fan of Spider Man? If so, you will love this brand new Sliding SpiderMan puzzle game! Sliding SpiderMan Puzzle is an easy, very funny and entertaining game. It's a free game, consisting in moving the pieces to the correct square in order to assemble the picture. The pieces con be moved to the square next to them, that means you can only move a piece to an empty square. To move a piece, only slide it towards the empty square. The sliding puzzle is a classical puzzle game for any ages, enjoyed by children and adults. Features: • 3 difficulty settings (EASY; MEDIUM; HIGH) • Every puzzle is unique: Different piece shapes every time! • Complete challenging goals! • 720p High Definition Graphics. • Solve one to unlock next. • Share Images to Friends. • Set images as a Wallpaper. Benefits Sliding Puzzle Games: - Training of visual memory - Increase of short term memory - Concentration improvement - Development of cognitive skills Note :- This application is Unofficial app made for fan just for fun. DISCLAIMER: Spider-Man is a trademark of Marvel Universe, which does not support, approve or underwrite this application. We don't guarantee in any capacity the possession or the copyright which are property of their separate proprietors. This application complies with US Copyright law guidelines of "fair use", We are not affiliated in any way to Wallpapers. We are not the makers of the cartoon and we don't claim any relation with them. This application is made just for Puzzle Game Fans. if you feel there is a direct copyright or trademark violation that doesn't follow within the "fair use" guidelines,please contact us directly
SpiderMan Wallpaper & Puzzle游戏截图
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