
이게임을 통해 당신의 멀티태스킹 능력을 확인하세요. 개발자도 포기한 45단계의 난이도에 도전하세요! 미션과 플레이를 통해 코인을 얻어 당신의 슬라임을 꾸며보세요. This game allows you to test your multitasking abilities at the time. Challenge the 45 stage difficulty that the developer gave up! Decorate your slime by earning coins through missions and play Check out your multitasking skills through this. Challenge the 45 levels of difficulty that the developer gave up! Get coins and decorate your slime with missions and play. This game allows you to test your multitasking abilities at the time. Challenge the 45 stage difficulty that the developer gave up! Decorate your slime by earning coins through missions and play
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