Slide Tiles Free is a demo version of Slide Tiles. It is a puzzle-arcade game in which you have to solve 8 puzzles (60 puzzles in the full version). If you enjo...
Slide Tiles Free

Slide Tiles Free is a demo version of Slide Tiles. It is a puzzle-arcade game in which you have to solve 8 puzzles (60 puzzles in the full version). If you enjoy it, please consider buying the full version.In the game you have to slide tiles until they are in the right position. There are several sizes and all the levels have a different background.You have to think fast, there is a time limit and also there are different elements that help or hinder your progress.To play you have to press the "Launch" button to launch a new tile. The tile will move until it collides with the walls or another one. To further position the tile, move or swipe it. There are doors that open and close. If you throw out a tile it will be put the last in the queue to enter again in the game.There are tiles that are not part the image, some of them will help you and some have negative effects. To activate one of them you have to throw it into the appropriate one. If you throw it into the wrong one, sometimes nothing happens, sometimes you will lost the help and sometimes you may be hurt!
Slide Tiles Free游戏截图

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