Help the new reader in your household with this fun sight word quiz game modeled after the exercises my daughter’s first grade teacher suggested we use. • Quizz...
Sight Word Scholar
Help the new reader in your household with this fun sight word quiz game modeled after the exercises my daughter’s first grade teacher suggested we use. • Quizzes from 6 different word lists – first, second, and third 100 sight words, sight phrases, nonsense words, and a custom word list that you can modify. • Each set contains 100-200 words or phrases, twenty of which are randomly selected for each game. • Selected words are randomly cycled through allowing the reader press thumbs up if they know the word (earning a tick mark) or thumbs down if they don’t. • Once a word has three tick marks, it will not show up again during that game. • Once all the words have three tick marks, the reader is greeted by applause and a personalized win screen. • Touch the word to hear it read aloud. • Add/remove to custom word list button that can be used If a word is giving the reader particular trouble. Then switching the word set to Custom will focus on only the tricky words. 这个有趣的景象的一句话问答游戏模仿的练习后,我女儿的一年级老师建议我们使用帮助新的读取器在您的家庭。 •测验来自6个不同的单词列表 - 第一,第二,第三个100视线的话,视线短语,无意义词汇,和一个自定义的单词列表,你可以修改。 每套包含100-200字或词组,其中20个是随机选择的每场比赛。 •选择的话是通过允许读者记者竖起大拇指,如果他们知道这个词(赚取对勾)或竖起大拇指,如果他们不这样做,随机循环。 一旦一个单词有三个刻度标记,它不会显示在那场比赛中再次。 一旦所有的话有三个刻度标记,读者迎接掌声和个性化的胜利画面。 •触摸听到朗读单词。 •添加/删除自定义单词列表“按钮,如果一个词可以用来给读者特别麻烦。然后切换字设置为自定义将只专注于棘手的话。
Sight Word Scholar游戏截图
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