Inspired by Tamagotchi of the 90s, in this virtual pet care game, you will adopt a pet, raise it, and take care of a virtual Siamese cat like a typical virtual ...
Siamese Cat Tamagotchi

Inspired by Tamagotchi of the 90s, in this virtual pet care game, you will adopt a pet, raise it, and take care of a virtual Siamese cat like a typical virtual pet game.Feed, Clean, Play and Love your virtual pet.The Siamese Cat Tamagotchi game is designed with old school graphics and brings you back to the 90s.Features of Siamese Cat Tamagotchi:- adopt a pet- Name your virtual kitty- Your virtual cat grows over time- Different Walls and Floors- Feed your Siamese cat Tamagotchi- Clean your virtual pet- Love your virtual cat- Play with your cat (Rock, Paper, Scissors, Mouse game)- SleepWarning: Cat will die if you leave your kitty alone for too long!Instructions for your virtual pet:First time you start Siamese Cat Tamagotchi, click on the red present and your new virtual kitty will appear.At the buttom of the screen there are 5 icons: - Lamp: click on it to send your virtual pet to sleep or wake it up. To load up the tiredness bar put your cat in sleep state.- Hand: move you finger over it to pick up the hand and move the hand over the cat to stroke it. This will affect the loveliness bar.- Joystick: click on it to play Rock, Paper, Scissors with the virtual cat. This will also load up the loveliness bar.- Food: If your virtual cat has hunger in this game you have to move your finger over the food icon to pick up the food, move it to the food bowl and release your finger. Your cat will go to the food bowl itself if it is hungry. This will load up the hungriness bar.- Water: move your finger over it to pick up the water, move it to the food bowl and release your finger. Your cat will go to the food bowl itself if it is thirsty. This will load up the thirstiness bar of your Tamagotchi cat.- Scoop: move your finger over it to pick up the scoop, move it to the litter and release your finger. This will clean up the litter if it is full and loads up the cleanness bar.You can also click on your virtual pet. Sometimes it will meow.In the upper right corner the pet age is displayed. There a four different ages: Puppy, Teeny, Adult and Senior.In this Tamagotchi game you don't have to earn coins like in other games and will not bother you with notifications from your pets health. All you have to do is to look at your cat from time to time and take care of your virtual friend to keep your sweety alive.To Name your virtual pet, click on "Preferences" at the Home Screen of Siamese Cat Tamagotchi, put in the name of your cat an click "save". Note: You can name your virtual pet if you have already started a new game.If there are any bugs in Siamese Cat Tamagotchi game or you just have suggestions for future versions, please send me an email.
Siamese Cat Tamagotchi游戏截图

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