摔角革命3D手机游戏ios版是一款让人忍俊不禁的好玩的竞技场摔跤游戏,并无数据包,所以直接导致了游戏的外观看上去并不是很华丽,动画看起来也有点低帧速率的感觉,但是这个游戏在市场里的评价还是非常不错的。 摔角革命3D手机游戏特色: 1、在享受游戏的过程中也能确保你得到正确的赛事结果! 2、上手之后真的是乐趣无穷; 3、游戏完全自主控制,摔跤的方式多种多样; 4、招募新的摔角手或是更新已有摔角手的服装,由此来管理你自己的摔角秀; 5、你甚至可以创建你自己的角色,并加入你的设备可以容纳的角色数量来参与摔跤; 6、花式摔角格斗,再现美式摔角的细节和动感。 摔角革命3D ios版更新日志 版本:v1.5.6 日期:2016年06月28日 - MMA mount with a wider array of strikes. - Punches during a lying headlock. - "Cartwheel Takedown" as a running/flying move. - New takedown from the rear. - Guillotine Chokes can now transition into a reverse version. - Fewer automatic contract renewals at the beginning of each week, but you can always renegotiate manually by attempting to "hire" anyone on your roster who is "unsigned". 版本:v1.5.3 日期:2016-5-5 - 对比赛进行调整 ; - New strikes from the MMA spin-off, "Weekend Warriors". - Gogoplata & Kimura as counters to holds or on the end of a Code Breaker. - New 4-way motion on armbars and guillotine chokes. - "Front Facelock" and "Muay Thai Clinch" as standing holds. - Rear Naked Chokes available from the rear. - Lying version of the Dragon Sleeper and rolling counters to it. - Powerbomb from the ground as a leg move. - Ground punches as a kind of "Stomp".、 版本:v1.4.2 日期:2015.04.13 1、腰带现在可以穿的紧迫; 2、新举措:弹簧刀,曲折,腹部拉伸; 3、固定的“死亡下降”。 Tags: 摔角革命3D手机游戏摔角革命3Dios版摔角革命3D