Do you like shopping? And do you like Christmas? It is the last night before Christmas and you still need to get all of the presents for your nearest and deares...
Shopping Madness - Christmas roguelike adventure

Do you like shopping? And do you like Christmas? It is the last night before Christmas and you still need to get all of the presents for your nearest and dearest. But the shopping centre is just about to close. So what should you do? Maybe you can hide in the toilets, wait until all the shops are closed and get all the presents you need. However, watch out for the robots and security cameras! You will have to sneak around to ensure that you keep a safe distance from the robots. You choose your tactics. You can silently creep through the ventilation shafts, use teleportation or use your wits and speed to escape between the shop shelves! Obtaining the presents you need is not always easy. You have to solve challenging puzzles and obtain items which will help you on your quest. The shopping centre also has secret rooms and passages, and there are even rumours of hidden alien Stealth technology! Of course, the position of this technology remains unknown, it is for you to decide whether you are brave enough to find and use it to complete your mission. The game has several playing modes: Practice, Normal and Hard. The differences between these modes consist of the number of security robots and the number of presents to be collected. Practice Mode has no robots at all, so that players may enjoy collecting presents and exploring the shopping centre without fear!
Shopping Madness - Christmas roguelike adventure游戏截图

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九凕L 来自于 九游APP 2019-07-30 16:23
中文名是疯狂海盗,有汉化版,但英文的话也比较简单,不是生僻词汇。 简单的说一下吧!该游戏是第一人称的休闲娱乐游戏,画面简单活泼,在游戏中你扮演的是一名业余的强盗,但我不理解的是为什么要做小偷的事……在游戏中你需要通过在商城窃取东西从而完成任务,但你要警惕的是有巡逻机器人和监控。游戏自由度比较高,你可以躲垃圾桶也可以爬通风管,游戏场景多,毕竟有一个商场的范围你可以逛。 牛逼的你可以去调戏机器人,向我一样胆小的可以把这当成一款躲猫猫游戏 要说缺点的话也有,作为一个第一人称游戏,游戏画面转换的灵活度不够高,而且控制手的位置比较偏上,造成开关门,收集东西不是很方便(个人观点) 想要知道的跟详细的话看我帖子吧,动态里和公会里都有