An adventurous pink cat named ShiftCat is from another world, and she has the ability to shift to the alternate dimensions. One day, she found an infinite world...
An adventurous pink cat named ShiftCat is from another world, and she has the ability to shift to the alternate dimensions. One day, she found an infinite world made up of platforms and decided to explore it to collect scores. However, she finds it difficult to travel in that world, because some platforms are too far away from each other. Then, she realized that she could use her ability to shift to the alternate dimensions and find a closer platform. In this game, you will help ShiftCat to jump, and shift to the right dimension, and also collect as many score as you can. Be careful, if ShiftCat fall from one of the platforms, the score remains. However she will have to restart again. How to play: > Swipe up to Jump > Tap left or right to shift dimensions
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