I will be fit!Fit and slim, permantely – all this with a short fitness scheme, only a few minutes per day. Nina Winkler, one of Germanys best known fitness expe...

I will be fit!Fit and slim, permantely – all this with a short fitness scheme, only a few minutes per day. Nina Winkler, one of Germanys best known fitness experts has developed an app for people with little time to achieve the best possible work out. The app contains descriptive composed video workouts for the following fitness areas:- Body Forming (Level 1–3), - Yoga (Level 1–3) - Fatburning (Level 1–2). Each level is divided into two to three levels (difficulty levels) and each level incorporates different exercises. In addition, there is an arrangement of all available levels for longer work outs attached to each level. On this free trial app one exercise can be downloaded free of charge as a test. In addition further exercises can be purchased.As well, a series with the same title is on offer, containing of minis and videos.Nina Winkler presents a unique exercise regime: The „10 x 2 Minute-Formula”: per exercise only two minutes of your time – 20 minutes per day are enough- Effektiv body toning, muscle build up, increase of fitness and well beingAn overview of all in-apps and prices can be found at the end of the text.You would like to shape your body with the least necessary time?No problem, with this app you will succeed. This app offers non bindingly and free of charge a video of level 1 of the body forming exerciseAll in all the app contains of 12 extensive and descriptive video work outs, the whole running time of more than five hours.The single exercise levels can be purchased as a bundle as well. The app offers the following three video bundle packages betwenn € 7,99 and € 9,99:(The videos can be purchased individually at a price of € 0,89 each.)1. shapeSECRETS – Body forming (Trouble Zones)(7,99 €):• Level 1 (free of charge)• Level 2 (3,59 €)• Level 3 (3,59 €)• Level 1-3 (5,49 €)2. shapeSECRETS – Yoga (9,99 €):• Level 1 (3,59 €)• Level 2 (3,59 €)• Level 3 (3,59 €)• Level 1-3 (6,99 €)3. shapeSECRETS – Fatburning (7,99):• Level 1 (3,59 €)• Level 2 (3,59 €)• Level 1-2 (5,49 €)

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