手机游戏> Shape Saga> 游戏攻略> 综合篇> Shape Saga礼包大全 礼包和激活码领取攻略
Shape Saga礼包大全 礼包和激活码领取攻略
Shape Saga已经震撼来袭!各位小伙伴都准备好一起加入游戏愉快战斗了吗?如果想要在Shape Saga中领先一步,就绝不可以错过任意一次激活码和礼包。九游提供了Shape Saga丰富的装备、道具、材料、钻石、金币等丰富礼包,还有一测、二测、公测等各个测试阶段的Shape Saga独家激活码给大家领取。那么Shape Saga礼包和激活码在哪里免费预定和领取呢?今天九游小编就为大家带来最详尽的攻略,千万别错过哦!
Shape Saga礼包激活码领取攻略,以下是详细教程:
领取方法一:Shape Saga的PC专区
步骤1: 大家可以收藏九游Shape Saga电脑版专区地址;
领取方法二:Shape Saga的手机专区
步骤1:大家可以把Shape Saga的手机专区添加到浏览器书签;
温馨提示:如果没有看到“领取礼包”按钮或者“礼包发放”列表,就说明Shape Saga暂时没有礼包发放哦!那么怎么办呢,如何才能不错过礼包提醒呢?请关注第三种方法:
步骤1: 下载九游APP>>>download地址;
步骤2: 点击我的发现,查看游戏礼包;
步骤2: 搜索框内输入“Shape Saga”进行查找;
步骤3: 即可看到“Shape Saga”的所有礼包和激活码信息,并且在存号箱查看领过的激活码和礼包;
步骤3: 在九游APP内可以设置Shape Saga的礼包上架提醒,一旦有新礼包和新激活码开放,马上通知你第一时间领取;
以上就是九游独家的Shape Saga礼包免费领取攻略,当然,除了关注九游Shape Saga专区以及下载九游APP之外,在九游论坛也会有很多活动,大家只要踊跃参与活动回帖分享,就可以免费获得Shape Saga礼包和开测激活码啦!
Shape Saga
Shape Saga is a 2d minimalistic platformer game, where you need to avoid various Physics based obstacles like Spinning wheels, moving lifts, rotating blades, poking needles, deadly hexagon. Run on the physically unstable platforms, get past through the bridge by activating it with the lever key, avoid the sharp spikes on the ground and from above the ground. Get the thrill of bungee jumping platforms. Watch out your steps on muddy platform and explosive radioactive bridges, Run While You Can!!! This is one of the toughest game if you become reckless, it will go oothly if played with the patience. This game has beautiful neat and clean vector art. You can choose any 1 of the 7 background colors available. Note : More adventure and More thrill coming soon in the next Update. 更新内容: 优化体验,增强稳定性。