10000000 is a Dungeon Crawling RPG Matching Game. Run the dungeon and match to handle the things you encounter“This game is so good it makes me want to cry” - E...
10000000 is a Dungeon Crawling RPG Matching Game. Run the dungeon and match to handle the things you encounter
“This game is so good it makes me want to cry” - Eli Hodapp – Editor In Chief – TouchArcade
“This is one of my favorite iOS games in a long time. Buy it. Love it. Pass it on.” - Ben Kuchera – Penny Arcade Report
“Freedom costs 10 million. I’m half-hoping I never make it” - Mike Fahey – Kotaku
“Mashes together two of the most interesting genres of the last years: the puzzle RPG and infinite runner. And it’s ed good.” - Owen Faraday – Pocket Tactics
Upgrade your castle, improve your gear, train skills and brew potions
Can you score 10000000 and earn your freedom?
• Kill monsters and find loot
•Improve your gear and train skills
• Find wood and stone to improve your castle
Test your skill
• More than 60 objectives to complete
• Over 20 different monster types to fight
• Find items and use them effectively
• Fast paced action gameplay
Classic Gaming
• Retro graphics
• Old school music
"I played this for like 8 hours, it's a fantastic little game."
"I got sucked into this more than I expected"
"Adds so much to the genre, What a great game!"
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