Scooter X

要碾出一个史诗般的360,或BRI翻转走进一家酒吧鞭子一样在手机上亲?如何从沙发上莨或风骚? 现在好了,你可以用滑板车X,在滑板公园滑板车模拟善良的终极!随着招数,研磨,和充足的坡道,你会在摩托车的乐趣一个新的世界! 有了直观的手指控制,把你的甲板和酒吧的控制与单纯的刷卡。享受脱下真棒自由泳技巧和定制你的旅程! 对于溜走的游戏实践,或者只是飞奔像亲!亲赚取经验值和花费他们升级骑! INSTALL和乘坐今天!v1.30 - Performance optimizations for older devices v1.29 - Animation improvements v1.28 - Added rider - Improved tricks and style - Minor fixes to maps v1.27 - Added new map "Old City". Scoot through alleyways and cross the river with style! v1.26 - More realistic landing detection. To land a mid air trick, land with the deck either facing forward or backward. v1.25 - Added skill points system - Earn experience points in game!