** When you click on the Earth, you get the upgrade window !! ** * There is an update to take off the insomnia treatment drug title * * Add a huge comet! * Quic...
Save The Earth-Insomnia remedy

** When you click on the Earth, you get the upgrade window !! ** * There is an update to take off the insomnia treatment drug title * * Add a huge comet! * Quick comet additional!Check the stress with a simple operation blasting game Save The Earth! Touch even hassle. However, it can prevent the attack of the meteor that threatens the Earth with your finger on the screen only booby booby! Please upgrade the planet gathered broke the Meteor! In addition, you can rescue the foreign friends when the collision the Meteor! With the help of 10 types of alien friend of help, you can make it easier to game. Stress receive game anymore quit! The game is also another stop that is to sit still! - Easy Game Description - Operation, will be destroyed in only finger was gone Suukku to Meteor come flying toward the Earth. However! It allows only one hand rhythm! ** Added giant planet doesn't passing. hit 10 times! Meteor depending on the upgrade status and level of booth suce, but Meteor money is paid Collect this Meteor money can be used to upgrade the Earth and the shield and defense system. In addition, it is waiting for foreign friends to help save the earth. Foreign friends, helps us appear if destroying a lot of Meteor. Please try to skip check the stress with a simple operation. You just Earth Defense Corps! Frame ... Rather, touch Guards! Do you think it will end and save the earth? It does not finished until the end! - Credit - Jangfolk Studio Present Director Jangfolk Design Jangfolk Monster Design Virinaflora - ID: 257047993 (On Shutter Stock) Font Design Google - Noto Sans CJK Asgalt - RémiLagast Develope Jangfolk Music main Background music lyncisAt - Orch.BGM SFX Unity Technologies - NASA Mission Audio Little Robot Sound Factory - UI Sfx - Sci-Fi Sfx EPIC Sound and FX - Sci-fi Evolution Gift Pack - Epic Game Hits SFX Bleep Blop Audio - Free SFX Package Woong Sound - Cartoon Game Sound Thanks to MJ.Park No heven Studio JP, Park Baek-soo, Choi Suk-jin, KIM indira! indie game Developer Group (Facebook Group, korea) Unity Developer Community Group (Facebook Group, korea) And ... You Powerd By UNITY Thank you for Play Jangfolkstudio.com Die if if beaten 10 times huge comet update! Add a high-speed comet than other comets!
Save The Earth-Insomnia remedy游戏截图

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