Santa Run Christmas 2019! is an action-adventure released for the Android devices. The story follows its again a Christmas time, our Christmas Santa reach again...
Santa Run Christmas 2019
Santa Run Christmas 2019! is an action-adventure released for the Android devices. The story follows its again a Christmas time, our Christmas Santa reach again to deliver gifts to kids but our Santa got inside a Halloween world where Halloween characters chasing our Santa. Our Santa has to face a lot of adventure to reach the kids before Christmas. This infinity running game is perfect to play during the Christmas Holidays to feel the real fun. This Christmas themed game is designed to give real life to all your Santa fantasies. The game feels easy to play because we keep its control very user-friendly so that you will find it fun yet simple. santa run christmas 2019 is the most fun and addictive touch gameplay that will keep you engaged for several hours. Moreover, this game is suitable for every age-group, be it, kids or adults, everyone is sure to love this compulsive running game. Help our Santa to jump all obstacles collect all gifts and run to finish in all levels, make this Christmas and new year holidays awesome with this Christmas Santa run!!!! Join the gift hunt, kids are waiting, and have the Christmas adventure of your life!!!! Try not to miss any of the presents that you find on your run through the snow. *Salient Features Of Santa Run Christmas 2019* - Simple and fun game mechanics - Beautiful graphics - Multiple obstacles - Smooth touch controls - Tap the screen to make Christmas Santa run. - Collect all the gifts for the Christmas kids. - Run and finish all the levels. - Have the music and sound effects. - Lots of challenging levels *How to play* 1. All you need to do is just to tap the phone screen to make the Santa jump and bypass the obstacles. 2. Collect as many Christmas gifts as you can, without being struck by the challenges. 3. Run to the edge of the frosted Subway to pass each level.
Santa Run Christmas 2019游戏截图
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