手机游戏> Sanitation as a Business (SaaB)> 游戏攻略
Sanitation as a Business (SaaB)
Entrepreneurship is a popular concept for growth in society. An entrepreneur provides live to a business. Sanitation as a Business (SaaB) game is an attempt to decode the role of an entrepreneur in Sanitation business in the society. It is relevant especially when sanitation is a national agenda. In past sanitation was considered a subject of public service, an agenda for the government unlike business. Therefore, it is challenging to define the role of an entrepreneur in sanitation business. Present document is a game design for SaaB. The document shall cover all aspects of the game including its operation, user interface and technical. . 1. Game Overview 1.1 SaaB Game is a strategy learning game for an entrepreneur to successfully make income from sanitation business, more precisely from Toilet construction. The game Sanitation as a Business (SaaB) would highlight the need for sustainability, demand-based planning, self-financed toilets, and how a rural entrepreneur is able to do this by promoting a new approach called “Sanitation as a Business” (SaaB). 1.2 Genre – Applied Game 1.3 Target Audience – Entrepreneurs interested in Sanitation business 1.4 Game Flow Summary – Local community entrepreneurs are encouraged to become first sanitation goods suppliers (trader), then take up turnkey contracts for building household and institutional toilets and then to manufacturing of precast RCC slabs. Game flows from understanding the market through market survey, monthly fixed cost and output dependent variable cost, break even, margin or contribution and stock to revenue, expenses, profit/loss and net-worth. 1.5 Look and Feel – Look and feel of the game reflects from the game board where there is a shop and the player clicks on new customer to get customers who places order such as purchase of 2 toilet item sets; turnkey installation of 3 toilets and manufacturing of 2 RCC slab sets. Player then responds to these customers by either selling the stock, turnkey installation and manufacturing of RCC slabs. In addition to these there are three score boards, namely planning board, game board and learning Dashboard. 2. Gameplay and Mechanics 2.1 Gameplay 2.1.1 Game Progression: Two steps – Planning and SaaB. Game begins with planning of monthly fixed cost planning and stock planning for given monthly demand. Second step is to service the customer that comes to shop. If the player has serviced the customer, player gets the revenue from the business after incurring the variable cost. As per the need for cash (fixed cost plus the minimum stock for business), loan is available is case the cash is short. If the player has taken loan then he has to repay back the loan with interest. Based on the order placed by the customer, the player sells stock and services. Player aims to make money through margin of the business that is more than the monthly fixed cost.