The game focuses on a boy named Ryder who leads a pack of search and rescue dogs known as the PAW Puppy Patrol. They work together on missions to protect the sh...
Run Paw Run Patrol Rush Dash
The game focuses on a boy named Ryder who leads a pack of search and rescue dogs known as the PAW Puppy Patrol. They work together on missions to protect the shoreside community of Adventure Bay. Each dog has a specific set of skills based on a real-life profession, such as a firefighter, a police officer, and a pilot. Led by a boy named Ryder, a team of six playful rescue dogs use their individual talents to protect the seaside town of Adventure Bay. The pups are occasionally joined by newer helpers: Cap'n Turbot, Robo-Dog, Everest, and Tracker. Want to learn more about Chase, Ryder and the rest of the team? Read on for some fun facts about the Puppy Patrol pups! Ryder Ryder is a 10-year-old boy who runs the Lookout and serves as the leader of the other Puppies Patrol Live! characters. Ryder adopted each of the puppies and trained them to be a part of PAW Patrol. When he receives a distress call, he summons the pups by sounding the Puppy Patrol Alarm from his PupPad. He functions as the team commander, picking the right pup for the job, organizing the pack, and – when the work is done – making sure they all get a healthy dog snack, a relaxing soak at his friend Katie’s Pet Parlor, or a run out at the Lookout’s Pup Park. Marshall Marshall is the team’s brave firedog – an excitable, all-action, six-year-old Dalmatian pup. He’s always ready to roll, but sometimes he gets too excited and can be a little clumsy. Chase This German Shepherd police pup is a natural leader. Athletic, smart, and ‘by the book’ organized, seven-year old Chase can herd traffic down the right detour, block off dangerous roads, and solve any mystery. He can help sniff out anything, but he happens to be allergic to both cats and feathers. Enjoy!
Run Paw Run Patrol Rush Dash游戏截图
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