Run-10-20-30 is an App. their function as a stopwatch for the 10-20-30 running concept.10-20-30 is an interval training concept for runners, there was invented ...
Run 10-20-30
Run-10-20-30 is an App. their function as a stopwatch for the 10-20-30 running concept.10-20-30 is an interval training concept for runners, there was invented by Jens Bango from Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences at University of Copenhagen.The concept has proven to be both entertaining and more stimulating than regular running and runners achieve significant performance improvement and improved health.The concept is performed the following way:- 30 seconds of slow running (jogging),- 20 seconds with moderate speed (running), and- 10-second sprint.- Repeat 3-4-5 times followed by a 2 minutes pause, then start again.For more information on the consep:- English: http://nexs.ku.dk/english/research/units/integrated-physiology/projects/10-20-30/about/- Danish: http://nexs.ku.dk/forskning/sektioner/integreret_fysiologi/projekter-if/10-20-30/om_projektet/This application will, different from other 10-20-30 applications, continue to work, also when the device (phone) go in power save mode, equal: the screen is black.NOTE:The application is still a bit rocky but should function all in all.
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