Use a dragging motion to draw a line and create a simple device that follows that path, and then try changing the device afterward! We plan to add many more dev...
Rube Goldberg Machine Toys
Use a dragging motion to draw a line and create a simple device that follows that path, and then try changing the device afterward! We plan to add many more devices in the future! *Method of operation: - Trace the screen with your finger to create a path. - Lift your finger to create a simple device. - Press the Dog button to go into Edit mode. Tap the device to swap it for another one. - Press the Start button to start. Have fun by changing the angle and the zoom on the camera. - Sound effects: turn them on/off from the options on the top right of the top screen. - Music: turn it on/off from the options on the top right of the top screen. - Device shadows: turn them on/off from the options on the top right of the top screen. *If your artphone is showing low performance, we recommend turning the shadows off. ---v1.30 - Added 2 gimmicks. ---v1.27 - Added 2 gimmicks. ---v1.25 - Improved UI. ---v1.24 - Added 2 gimmicks. ---v1.21 - Added 2 gimmicks. ---v1.20 - Added 2 gimmicks. ---v1.19 - Added 2 gimmicks. ---v1.18 - Added 2 gimmicks. ---v1.17 - Added 2 gimmicks. ---v1.16 - Added 2 gimmicks. ---v1.15 - Added 2 gimmicks. ---v1.14 - Added 2 gimmicks. ---v1.13 - Added 2 gimmicks. ---v1.12 - Added 2 gimmicks. ---v1.11 - Added 2 gimmicks. ---v1.10 - Added 2 gimmicks.
Rube Goldberg Machine Toys游戏截图
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