In the middle of space stands a solitary lighthouse. A beacon of light for travellers lost. Inhabited by a little robot and his friend, an elderly tinker who bu...
In the middle of space stands a solitary lighthouse. A beacon of light for travellers lost. Inhabited by a little robot and his friend, an elderly tinker who built him. They would often play games for fun but their very favourite thing was sitting together, watching the stars glisten. One unusual day however there were no stars to be seen, they had just gone!… Guide Rocket ROBO around 3 wonderful worlds; Material World, Space Station and Sugar Cube; across 57 levels in an attempt to retrieve the lost stars, find out why they were stolen and restore power to the lighthouse where Rocket ROBO was created. == Key features == • A slick side scrolling puzzle game • Innovative tilt based 2.5d gameplay with depth interaction • Rotate worlds • Control gravity • Teleportation • Play with water and buoyancy • Hidden treasure • Beautiful 3D environments • Engaging music == Reviews == 4.5 / 5 and Editors Choice - 148apps.com "Rocket ROBO's combination of whimsical graphics and impeccable gameplay is just stellar.” IGN.com - “This one caught me by surprise, and so much so that I had to award it the top spot in the big Thursday update.” 4.5 / 5 -appgefahren.de “Rocket Robo is definitely worth the money. The graphics are beautiful and the control is simply out of hand.... Rocket Robo is one of our favourites of the month.” (Translated) Apple App Store - In 'Best New Games' in 106 countries iplayapps.de - “undoubtedly one of the most lovingly crafted casual and puzzle games we've seen in the AppStore. We hope that the title creates a major breakthrough…. in our opinion a must-download!” (Translated) Please check badkraken.com for further information.
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