手机游戏> RIA RICIS QUIZ> 游戏新闻

Game seru-seruan untuk semua fans Ria Ricis! Bisakah kamu menjawab semua soalnya? Game ini cocok buat mengisi waktu luangmu dan sedikit mengetes wawasanmu tentang Ria Ricis Cara bermain: 1. Klik tombol PLAY 2. Lihat soalnya dan pilih jawaban yang menurut kamu paling benar. 3. Jangan sampai salah 3 kali karena bisa membuatmu GAME OVER Selamat bermain!! Ria Yunita (lahir di Batam, 1 Juli 1995; umur 23 tahun), atau lebih dikenal sebagai Ria Ricis, adalah pembawa acara dan selebriti internet berkebangsaan Indonesia. Sumber soal berasal dari internet dan channel YT ricis. Graphic by freepik. Exciting game for all Ria Ricis fans! Can you answer all the questions? This game is suitable for filling your free time and testing your insights a little about Ria Ricis How to play: 1. Click the PLAY button 2. Look at the problem and choose the answer that you think is the most correct. 3. Don't get it wrong 3 times because you can make you GAME OVER Have a nice play!! Ria Yunita (born in Batam, July 1, 1995, aged 23 years), or better known as Ria Ricis, is an Indonesian internet host and celebrity. The source of the problem comes from the internet and the YT ricis channel. Graphic by freepik.