风靡全球的《水果忍者》最新版更新啦!伴随着情人节的到来,游戏也为玩家们带来全新体验,喜欢的玩家一起来看看具体的更新内容吧! 水果忍者【安卓版下载】【iOS版下...[详情]
水果忍者最新iOS版本有哪些刀刃?都有什么特点呢?现在就跟随小编一起来看看吧,精彩不容错过! 水果忍者【安卓版下载】【iOS版下载】 1.基础剑刃 ...[详情]
作为曾经风靡世界的经典游戏,《水果忍者》曾于2016年7月在Oculus Rift及HTC Vive上首发。而随着PSVR如今风头正劲,这样的热门游戏索尼大法又...[详情]
如今电子竞技的火热让不少游戏的发行商也蠢蠢欲动,比如在本周电商巨头亚马逊旗下的数字商店Amazon Appstore宣布了一项专为手机休闲游戏举行的电子竞技赛事...[详情]

Shuriken is a traditional Japanese concealed weapon that was generally used for throwing. Often the shurikens played the decisive tactical role in the battles. Throw your shurikens in other ninja-stickmen to win the fight. Destroy as many enemies as possible before they defeat you. You can jump or dodge to avoid an enemy attack or shoot down the hostile shuriken. A hit in the heart heals you. Have a good game!