
How is level your finger technique? - Take a master class of finger technique - This free application rule about How many push it within the time limit. How about your finger technique...? You can use as many fingers as you want. What kind of finger usually use? Do you use only middle finger? Are you single finger player? Do you use ring finger and forefinger?Are you double finger player? Practice with the aim of acknowledged master player. Grade -30 What? How many finger do you have? 31-60 *sigh* Your short of something. 61-90 Well... I'm better able to do it than you. 91-120 OK. Not bad! But practice more. 150-180 GOOD! You have a good finger. Don't you? 180-199 GRATE! Your grate player. amazing! 200- AWESOME!! You are master class of finger technique. Can you do it one more time?