The 'kenong' is a musical instrument used in the Indonesian gamelan. It is a kind of gong and It is placed on its side . It has the same length and width. Thus ...
Real Bonang
The 'kenong' is a musical instrument used in the Indonesian gamelan. It is a kind of gong and It is placed on its side . It has the same length and width. Thus it is similar to the bonang, kempyang and ketuk, which are also cradled gongs. Kenongs are generally much larger than the aforementioned instruments. However. It has a considerably higher pitch. Its sound stands out because of its unique timbre. The kenong sticks are taller than that of the bonang. The kenong is sometimes played by the same player as the kempyang and ketuk. Most of the instruments in the gamelan 'family'. are originally from China but spread to Southeast Asia. The kenong usually has a specific part in the colotomic structure of the gamelan, marking off parts of a structure aller than a gongan (the space between each strike of the gong). The interval of each part between strikes of a kenong is called a nongan. In a fast, short structure these can only last a second or so; in a longer gendhing, particularly in a slow irama, they can last several minutes. There are usually two or four nongans in a gongan The 'kenong' is a musical instrument used in the Indonesian gamelan. It is a kind of gong and it is placed on its side. It has the same length and width. Tus it is similar to the bonang kempyang and tap, roomates are cradled Also Gongs. Generally Kenongs are much larger than the aforementioned instruments. However. It has a considerably higher pitch. Its sound stands out because of its unique timbre. The kenong sticks are taller than that of the bonang. The kenong is sometimes played by the same player as the kempyang and tap. Most of the instruments in the gamelan 'family'. are originally from China but spread to Southeast Asia. The kenong usually has a specific part in the colotomic structure of the gamelan, marking off parts of a structure aller than a gong (the space between each strike of the gong). The interval of each part between strikes of a kenong is called a Nongan. In a fast, short structure Reviews These can only last a second or so; in a longer gendhing, particularly subject in a slow rhythm, they can last Several minutes. There are usually two or four nongans in a gong
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