“The Adventures of Rainbow Dragons” is a kids’ book series for 4-7 years old children. The story about multi-colored brothers, the Rainbow Dragons, has won popu...
Rainbow Dragons BigRace Lite
“The Adventures of Rainbow Dragons” is a kids’ book series for 4-7 years old children. The story about multi-colored brothers, the Rainbow Dragons, has won popularity among children and parents in more than 30 countries around the world!In the continued adventures of the Rainbow Dragons a lot of interesting things await young car lovers. They will have an incredible opportunity to take part in the creation of supercars for each of the Rainbow Dragons and even to participate in the Big Race.On each page young readers will find even more animation and games than in previous app. Players will run the cars to help the Rainbow Dragons to win the race, defeating the guile and trickery of the Evil Queen of the Flies. Find out what ers are waiting for the Rainbow Dragons and how resourceful our rainbow brothers will appear to be! Will friendship, kindness and unity help them to win the race?The vivid characters, the text read by professional narrators and the ability to create the animated process on one’s own will give your child a real sense of presence in a fairy tale.This interactive story will be a nice surprise, wonderful entertainment, educational, instructive and eye-opening book that will hold child's attention for a long time.We wish you a colorful race with Rainbow Dragons’ pace!Features: - Explore delightful animations within each page!- Ability to follow the story at your own pace or listen to professional audio narration.- For artphones, “listen” mode is recommended - Unique background music!- A story that has become a favorite one for the young readers in over 30 countries around the world!The beginning of the adventure you can find in our app “Rainbow Dragons”: http://bit.ly/TYQlD1Come along and you will see how the Big Race will be held and who will win!You will not only hear a fascinating story, but also have the opportunity to participate in the creation of the super-cars for each of the Rainbow Dragons!All of that as well as a lot of other interesting things are waiting for you in the full version of the app "Rainbow Dragons at the Big Race"!Full version: http://bit.ly/1f0PBwR
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