
Learning is Fun and with Quizarn, it becomes Super Fun Quizarn is India's first and finest Quiz Game App of its kind. It doesn't have any limitation on playing, nor have any time-boundation. Additionally, it offers reward points to the top players, Every Day for Every Active Quiz Game. With Quizarn, you can enjoy the fun of Learning while doing almost anything. Who all can find Quizarn helpful? 1. If you are a person preparing for some kind of competitive exam, like SSC, UPSC and Banking. 2. If you are a person who loves to explore the world by knowing about it. 3. If you are a person with curiosity to know almost everything. 4. If you are a person who has to teach to someone. How to Use Quizarn: 1. Just download and install on your device. 2. Using your email, name and a password, create an account on Quizarn. 3. Once done, just log in on the app and start playing with questions. What are the main features of Quizarn: 1. There is no-time-limit to play the quiz, however, for a single question you will get 45 seconds time, which is kept to boost your memory. 2. Quizarn offers "Rewards Points" to the best performing players, every day for every Active Quiz Game. 3. Players are allowed to redeem their Reward Points only when it reaches 20 Reward Points. 4. Depending on 'Terms & Conditions' of each "Active Quiz Game", the reward points are calculated. For example, the "Everyday Quiz" offers reward points to 8 best players each day. Reward Points can be different for different "Quiz Games". For more information, you should check the 'info' button on each "Active Quiz Game". We have more than 5000 questions sharing 9 categories: 1 General Knowledge 2 Indian History & Culture 3 World History & Culture 4 Geography 5 Politics 6 Science & Technology 7 Sports 8 Computer 9 Dates and Abbreviations Come, Play With Us and Increase Your Knowledge as well as the Chance to Win Reward Points.