





YOUR CHOICES, YOUR STORY Dive into an interactive drama where romance, mystery and the Parisian lifestyle combine! Meet colorful characters, build relationships and unravel a mystery shrouding a erous secret… YOU are the heroine of your own story and YOU choose how you want to explore the iconic City of Love: discover exquisitely beautiful Parisian locations, make new friends and get to know them better through a wide range of fun activities. Meet, date and flirt with different love interests. And who knows? You might just find true love! A NEW BEGINNING You’re interviewing for a job at City of Love, Paris' most prestigious lifestyle magazine and brainchild of Raphael Laurent, a handsome entrepreneur and publishing guru extraordinaire. But is this the real reason Raphael has invited you to Paris? Welcome to City of Love: Paris! • BE the heroine of YOUR own interactive drama. The choices you make shape your social relationships and influence the story. There are no wrong choices, but some choices you make will have greater consequences than others. Make each choice count! • DISCOVER Paris, the eternal City of Love and the perfect setting for your new life. Explore the delights of France and enjoy the French way of life. • EXPLORE countless iconic locations such as Notre-Dame cathedral, Montmartre, Le Louvre, the Champs-Elysées, the quays of the river Seine and much more! • IMMERSE yourself in each story scene, episode after episode, with the help of beautiful backgrounds and lifelike animations. • UNRAVEL the mystery shrouding an old, erous secret and investigate multiple locations including the Luxembourg Gardens, the Pantheon and the Place Vendôme. • BECOME engrossed in an intriguing plot with unexpected twists and turns in every episode. What thrilling ending will your choices lead you to? • MEET colorful and y characters and build close relationships with your best matches. True friend or sworn enemy? Rival or helpful ally? The choice is all yours! • SHARE unforgettable moments with your close circle of friends and collect these precious souvenirs in original artworks that can be unlocked in every episode. • CREATE your dream love life in Paris by meeting and dating your crushes. Decide where the relationship will go next! • INDULGE your romantic side while wandering through the original City of Love and let yourself be seduced by Paris’ inimitable charm. Will you kiss him or her on the Pont des Arts bridge? • REPLAY the story to try out alternative paths and discover, new exclusive souvenirs. Whether you are an avid reader of romance novels, a detective fiction enthusiast, a globe-trotter with a sense of adventure, or just a fan of all stories great and all, City of Love: Paris has something unique for you. Delight in City of Love’s humorous writing tone and exciting storyline whilst basking in the authenticity of its setting. YOU are the heroine of this interactive drama. Make your own choices: Date him or her? Go buy some clothes or visit the Louvre? Choose drama or romance. Choose to enjoy or to discover. Choose a black bag or a pink pair of shoes. Choose to kiss the y blond or the handsome brown. Choose to date, kiss or love. Let your choices shape your own adventure in the City of Love. "Let us read, and let us dance; these two amusements will never do any harm to the world" Voltaire More info about your interactive drama on: • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CityofLoveParis • Twitter: https://twitter.com/CityOfLoveGame • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cityoflovegame PLEASE NOTE: • This game is free to download and free-to-play but some game items may be purchased for real money. You can choose to disable in-app purchases in your device's settings. • This game contains ads. Making any in-game purchase will disable them forever.



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  • 九游玩家7lyv3qtenez1来自于 九游APP 2020-02-24 22:21


  • 九游玩家381006124510来自于 九游APP 2019-01-24 08:00


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  • 九游玩家7lyv7gtk2ed4来自于 九游APP 2017-09-28 10:07

    写的时候竟然在听《战无不胜》,这反差我也是醉了。 我对《恋爱之城》可谓是又爱又恨,这个主要体现在以下几个方面: 优点: 1.画面赏心悦目,人物立绘是经典欧美漫画风格的Live2D,还个个都是帅哥靓女。 2.BGM和画面相得益彰,虽然曲目不多,但是都很舒缓悦耳,游戏体验非常享受。 3.虽然是恋爱游戏,但是并不走烂大街的霸道总裁小媳妇路线,而是有一个“寻宝”的大故事线,而角色便是在寻宝的过程中和周遭的人物发生故事。 4.女主角相比同类游戏那些生命里只有爱情的傻白甜人设更成熟更独立,也……更正常。 5.女主可弯可直,泡男泡女任君选择~当然,最后只能选择一个~ 缺点: 1.氪到爆肝这一点真的是心里有一百句mmp要说。一个选择(包括专场按键)就要耗费20点体力,但一天的体力只有100!!而且只补一次!! 粗略算了一下,一季故事12集左右,每一集就要耗费大概1000点!mmp你一集基本都是对话,剧情也没有多少,就要我等10天!!! 不想等也可以,要么一点点氪,要么完成了一集之后花30快解锁下一集无体力全通关。 2.剧情有点智障了(不过一旦接受了设定之后也就还好),有的多选题各选项之间不知道会有什么区别。 3.有些人物感情没什么培养过程,莫名其妙就被表白了……_(:з」∠)_ 3.【※警告※】以下涉及剧透,介意者请直接忽略!!! 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 我最可爱最聪明最善良最美好的室友!!!!!!! 凯瑟琳!!!!!! 第二季竟然被人杀里的!!! 我艹你大爷!!!!!! 育碧你M炸了!!!!!! 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 好了,要说的大概就这些,希望大家玩游戏愉快。 育碧最棒,育碧我爱你(滑稽)





