在游戏七骑士中,冰女拉尼亚和蛇女克里皆为实力不错的强控英雄,对于这两个英雄孰强孰弱呢?各位玩家一起来分析比较下吧! 1、冰女冰冻后相当于给...[详情]
和尚李在七骑士中是非常火热的角色之一,在七骑士中非常给力,那么和尚在竞技场中的表现如何呢?感兴趣的朋友一起来看看吧! 首先上图 ...[详情]
玩游戏免不了是要做任务的,可是那么多的任务得要耗费多少时间才能得到我们想要的奖励呢?今天就来为大家带来快速跳关小技巧,快来围观吧! 快速跳...[详情]
七骑士中,各类英雄都是相互克制的,今天要和大家分享的是七骑士赵云如何克制路迪问题解析。感兴趣的玩家一起来看看吧! 众议而论,都说赵...[详情]
七骑士竞技场,是各位玩家都九游的一个功能。那么玩竞技场又有什么游戏技能呢?不知道的玩家快来看看吧! 同等英雄装备,有奶的一方就先输一半,因...[详情]
七骑士中的游戏角色,虽不是每个玩家都会拥有,但和他相似的英雄也是大有人在。今天就以吕布为例,看看吕布这一类型的英雄在竞技场中如何使用。 看...[详情]
Seven Knights Global has NEW updates every week! Please check the breakdown of the newest update by following the link below. http://www.mobirum.com/article/list?bbsId=208&cafeId=sevenknights&sort=DATE Are you playing for the first time? Or are you getting back into the game? Either way, now’s the perfect time to DOWNLOAD and join in! Join the saga of "Seven Knights": an exciting RPG filled with heroics, adventure, and a diverse assortment of both friends and foes. The land of Asgar is in need of brave warriors who can face the God of Destruction and preserve peace. It is up to you, along with Evan and Karin, to put together a band of warriors to save the land and achieve victory! Are you playing for the first time? Or are you getting back into the game? Either way, now’s the perfect time to download and join in! Features: [LIMITLESS 3D BATTLES] - Enlist a versatile team to fight by combining hundreds of heroes in powerful combinations - Watch your team battle with dynamic effects and diverse skill animations [STRATEGIC PLAY] - Power Up, Rank Up, and Gear Up to prepare your heroes in their quest to protect Asgar - Customize your team's formation and manage their skills to strategize for the upcoming battles [NUMEROUS GAME MODES] - Adventure Mode: Conquer the Continents as you train your heroes! - Battle Mode: Duel with other players to prove your worth! - Celestial Tower: Push yourself to the limit as you battle levels of increasing difficulty! - Daily Dungeon: Gain a variety of rewards when you emerge victorious - Castle Rush: Fight alongside your guildmates to earn the honor of being the best guild! Enter the world of Seven Knights and begin your own adventure today! By downloading this game, you are agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. -Terms of Service: http://help.netmarble.com/policy/terms_of_service.asp, -Privacy Policy: http://help.netmarble.com/policy/privacy_policy.asp