手机游戏> 七骑士> 游戏攻略> 综合篇> 七骑士新手请注意 七骑士游戏实战经验分享
七骑士新手请注意 七骑士游戏实战经验分享
2、 不要以为英摆放位置无所谓,需要卡琳优先复活的英雄要贴着卡琳放,中间不要隔英雄,万一死2个时候贴着卡琳复活的几率更高,比如,貂蝉,凤凰女 ,再比如站起来有逆转效果的翻盘神器。
3、 高级装备不要给早晚进化的英雄带,你弄个5星装备给你4星七骑士带了,进化之后你会发现装备没了,3星过度既可。
4 、不要急着进化,5星+5进化是比6星无强化要厉害的,攒够了狗粮和钱一次性搞定。
5 、3星装备留着不要乱用,现在有个强化系统,好多人估计3星背包都满了,要知道积少成多。
6、 一手肉一手奶英雄的童鞋不要泄气,要知道运气好直接拿一套阵容的毕竟少数,很多东西是需要慢慢积累起来的,就算在给你的东西多了,以后也是有用的。
7、 千层塔打不过去的不着急,塔就在那,不近不远,早晚都是你的,而且有个东西首饰,有个东西叫新英雄,晚点通未必就不好。
8、 回合是按普攻来算的,技能放一次不算回合,所以手动释放时候要算好回合数,有时候你等对面效果刚好过去那一瞬间按技能效果更好。

Seven Knights Global has NEW updates every week! Please check the breakdown of the newest update by following the link below. Are you playing for the first time? Or are you getting back into the game? Either way, now’s the perfect time to DOWNLOAD and join in! Join the saga of "Seven Knights": an exciting RPG filled with heroics, adventure, and a diverse assortment of both friends and foes. The land of Asgar is in need of brave warriors who can face the God of Destruction and preserve peace. It is up to you, along with Evan and Karin, to put together a band of warriors to save the land and achieve victory! Are you playing for the first time? Or are you getting back into the game? Either way, now’s the perfect time to download and join in! Features: [LIMITLESS 3D BATTLES] - Enlist a versatile team to fight by combining hundreds of heroes in powerful combinations - Watch your team battle with dynamic effects and diverse skill animations [STRATEGIC PLAY] - Power Up, Rank Up, and Gear Up to prepare your heroes in their quest to protect Asgar - Customize your team's formation and manage their skills to strategize for the upcoming battles [NUMEROUS GAME MODES] - Adventure Mode: Conquer the Continents as you train your heroes! - Battle Mode: Duel with other players to prove your worth! - Celestial Tower: Push yourself to the limit as you battle levels of increasing difficulty! - Daily Dungeon: Gain a variety of rewards when you emerge victorious - Castle Rush: Fight alongside your guildmates to earn the honor of being the best guild! Enter the world of Seven Knights and begin your own adventure today! By downloading this game, you are agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. -Terms of Service:, -Privacy Policy:
懒猫JG2gy 来自于 九游APP 2025-01-06 22:04
豌豆4vnyqo 来自于 九游APP 2018-10-22 02:01
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懒猫KRG14 来自于 九游APP 2025-03-11 16:52
豌豆v2jd02 来自于 九游APP 2024-12-23 23:39
豌豆u4vvkx 来自于 九游APP 2024-10-25 17:31
苏木众无名16 来自于 九游APP 2024-01-01 08:45
薛二娃 来自于 九游APP 2023-12-03 09:02
九游玩家7lyv6suhsqh4 来自于 九游APP 2023-09-24 19:59
风骑士又石化16 来自于 九游APP 2023-08-11 12:25
酒仙语桃木17 来自于 九游APP 2022-10-22 14:29