Discover a world filled with magic. A world where Orcs, Goblins, Undead and Humans are immersed in an endless Battle to take control of the Wizard Royale Arena,...
Discover a world filled with magic. A world where Orcs, Goblins, Undead and Humans are immersed in an endless Battle to take control of the Wizard Royale Arena, the source of all magic. A main tower with a Wizard, some crystals towers and some battle troops are the only defenses you have to clash with your enemies and stablish control over the Arena Royale. Deploy your battle troops and cast your spells to defeat enemy battle forces! In Clash of Wizards: Royale Battle each battle gives you rewards, gather all type of cards and upgrade them to make the stronger! Get them all and complete your collection! Find the perfect strategy, win battles, get experience, win new cards, earn trophies, glory and much more in Clash of Wizards: Royale Battle! Features: - Great troops and spells to collect and upgrade! - Real-time multiplayer duels! Duel your friends! - Learn to adapt to new strategies and defeat your enemies - Excellent graphics
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