Pwr Ellbr
This game is a really good but hard platform game. You'll visit 7 stages and you can pick out which stage you'll start with. Your weapon is boomerang which you can make stronger by picking up power-ups. The game is very fun and challenging, and if you like platform games then you're going to like this as well. [Story] It's 2187 and the entire planet was being controlled by one powerful master computer, then one day, something went wrong with the master control program. Chaos ensued as people panicked! Now it’s time to save the world by destroying the master computer. [Controls] A: Jump B: Throw boomerang START: Item menu/pause SELECT: Use bomb/energy RIGHT: Walk to the right LEFT: Walk to the left UP: Go up the ladder DOWN: Go down the ladder [Items] (G) Power up: This power-up makes the reach of your boomerang longer, pick up more of these power-ups and it'll go even further. (P) Power up: This power up makes your boomerang stronger and you can also shoot trough enemies. (N) Power up: If you already have the (P) power up, pick this up will give you back your weak boomerang. Big heart: The big heart gives you a lot of health of your health back, this heart can only be found at some places, the enemies won't give them when you destroy them. Small heart: The small heart gives you a little bit of your energy back, this heart unlike the big heart can only be found by destroying enemies. (B) Bomb: The bomb will destroy every weak enemy on the screen when used, bigger enemies will be wounded, best used when there are a lot of enemies overwhelming you or for weakening bosses. To use the (B), bring the item menu up and select the (B), then go back to the game and press select. (E) Energy: The (E) can be used to get all your energy back, use it when you are in trouble and low on health. To use the (E), bring the item menu up and select the (E), then go back to the game and press select. Download now and enjoy !