Puzzles Fun is an interesting and entertaining puzzle Android game that is intended for preschool age kids. This educational Android app has a positive impact o...
Puzzles Fun

Puzzles Fun is an interesting and entertaining puzzle Android game that is intended for preschool age kids. This educational Android app has a positive impact on child development and helps parents keep their kids busy. The application improves motor skills of hands. Puzzles Fun includes 8 categories of objects (i.e. transport, furniture and others). The names of objects are displayed and read by a professional actor. So, this helps kids learn new words quickly and effectively. The game was developed with the assistance of a child psychologist and provides kids with numerous benefits. All fragments of figures provided during the game are multicoloured. The game has an easy-to-use intece that is convenient for kids. Also, the game is accompanied by outstanding musical support. Background of the game can be selected by a player. Figures are divided into fragments randomly. Thus, a player can create the same figure in different ways and will never find this process boring.Game features:- Figures are divided randomly each time, no pre-set patterns!!!- 8 categories, 108 figures- 3 difficulty levels, eat this!- Different backgrounds and music themes- Voiced by pro artist- A lot of FUN guaranteed!Learn more about our games here: www.gamesforkidsapps.com
Puzzles Fun游戏截图

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