Pur Labr

Layanan panggilan darurat 999 melaporkan bahwa telah terjadi perampokan di Puri Labirin. Semua perhiasan dan lukisan telah lenyap. Ada banyak jejak kaki di aula, tetapi tidak ada tanda-tanda masuk atau perginya si perampok. Polisi kebingungan dan meminta kalian untuk memecahkan misteri perampokan tersebut. Apakah kemampuan detektif kalian dapat menyelesaikan tantangan tersebut? The 999 emergency call service reported that there had been a robbery in Labirin Castle. All jewelry and paintings disappeared. There were many footprints in the hall, but there was no sign of the robber's entry or departure. The police are confused and ask you to solve the mystery of the robbery. Can your detective's abilities solve the challenge?