手机游戏> Programare Quiz> 游戏评论
Programare Quiz

Ai visat vreodata sa devi un programator intr-o zi ? Si eu :) Acest joc a fost realizat pentru a invata studentii informatii esentiale despre programare si limbajele de markup. Daca vreodata ti-ai dorit sa te joci si sa inveti in acelasi timp, aceasta aplicatie este potrivita pentru nevoile tale ! Nu ezita sa incerci aplicatia. Promitem ca nu o sa iti pierzi timpul aiurea ! Acest joc are ca scop sa te invete lucruri de baza despre java/html/php/ruby/python/assemby/c **Acest joc va primi update saptamanal cu noi nivele** **UPDATE FRECVENT** Have you ever dreamed of having a programmer one day? And I :) This game was designed to teach students essential information about programming and markup languages. If you ever wanted to play and learn at the same time, this app is right for your needs! Do not hesitate to try the application. We promise you will not waste your time! This game is designed to teach you basic things about java / html / php / ruby / python / assemby / c ** This game will receive weekly updates with new levels ** ** UPDATE FRECVENT **