手机游戏> *Princesse Sofia Home: makeup & dress up*> 游戏攻略
*Princesse Sofia Home: makeup & dress up*
You love makeup, dress up, coloring beauty secrets and Sofia Princess, Play to enter a magical make-up salon and apply beauty products on the beautiful Sofia princess first game ! In this game for girls you’ll have complete freedom to design an endless collection of different looks and styles, with unforgettable makeups and fairy-like hairdos. Your sofia Princess will challenge your imagination with tons of crystal-like eye-shadows, blush colors and amazing lipsticks, plus, absolutely fabulous and wintry face-paints to give the makeup a final touch of awesomeness Sophia princess. Features: ⚡ Beautiful princess to choose and style Three different beauty salons, one for hair and one for makeup and one for dressup. ⚡ Professional-inspired products for hair care. Tons of different hairstyles and dyes ⚡ Wonderful colorful braids to customize the look Countless makeup styles ⚡ Sunglasses and accessories Simple one-touch play game for girls and kids. ⚡ Kids chance to become a magic magician Sophia dress up and makup super. Fun way to teach coloring princess, includ in the game. So, play to enter the fashion hair salon of your princesse , where colors, hairstyles and makeup are endless! Be the coolest stylist, and let’s have fun!
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